Smokers outside Cardiff hospitals told to 'buzz off'

Buzzers have been installed to deter people from smoking outside two Cardiff hospitals.

While smoking has been banned in places around University Hospital of Wales (UHW) and University Hospital Llandough to safeguard patient health, people continue to light up.

Since January, a waste enforcement officer has patrolled the sites, discouraging smoking and giving out fixed penalty notices for dropping litter, including cigarette waste.

But now, a loudspeaker has been installed, connected to a large, red button on the reception desk of the Midwifery Unit at UHW.

When the buzzer is pushed, it causes the speaker to play one of four messages, which were recorded by children in both English and Welsh, to make people think twice about the harm their smoking is potentially causing to others.

In its first two weeks in place, the button has been pressed more than 300 times by staff and patients.