Fisherwomen honoured in Great Yarmouth photography exhibition

An exhibition, dedicated to the thousands of women who have worked in the fishing industry along the east coast of England, has been unveiled.

The work of photographer Craig Easton, the collection is on show at the Time and Tide museum in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk.

He said: "[Fisherwomen] were celebrated back in the day by painters and photographers in the 1800s and really visible on the quaysides and I just thought, so who's doing that work now then? And the answer to that question is still largely women."

It features Tracey Dybal, a fishmonger whose father ran a fishing boat for more than 50 years. She described the exhibition as "a good record" of the industry.

She said: "My mum... she would be boiling shrimps out the back and selling them from the door and picking whelks and things, so, yeah, it was just sort of a way of life".