Kemarni Watson Darby: Injuries 'harrowing' police say

A man has been sentenced to at least 24 years in jail for murdering his partner's three-year-old son after inflicting more than 20 rib fractures over weeks of beatings.

Nathaniel Pope left Kemarni Watson Darby with injuries comparable to a car crash or fall from height.

Kemarni's mother Alicia Watson has been sentenced to 11 years in jail for causing or allowing her son's death at her West Bromwich flat.

Det Insp Jim Mahon, of West Midlands Police, described the injuries as "really harrowing" and "difficult to comprehend".

He added family members had raised there were injuries on Kemarni, but they were described as "minor" and "explained away by Alicia Watson".

He said it was "manipulation" and lies told by Alicia Watson which would "prevent the alarm being raised".

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