The senior nomads who sold everything to travel the world

Brooke Jackson and Mitchell Pittman
Features correspondent
(Credit: Brooke Jackson and Mitchell Pittman)

Instead of choosing traditional retirement, Debbie and Michael Campbell sold their possessions and have been on the road ever since.

Instead of choosing traditional retirement, US couple Debbie and Michael Campbell decided to sell their possessions and spend their time travelling the world.

Since beginning their travels in 2013, Debbie, aged 62, and Michael, 72, have visited 80 countries. And they are not done yet. In their ‘Senior Nomads’ blog, the Campbells continue to document the global excursions that have taken them from the US to more than 250 cities worldwide.

As of the beginning of 2018, the couple said they spent on average $90 per night, spread across 163 different Airbnb rentals, to enjoy their different type of retirement. (They call these temporary flats their “homes on the road”.)  They have funded their travels from their savings, and through selling their Seattle home, boat and cars.

Their travel represents a costly version of the dream to sell everything and see the world. Such a lifestyle shift is not possible for everyone – which the Campbells do consider.

Still, the Campbells say they believe it is possible for more people “with resources” to upend the traditional model of retirement, or at least travel a bit more in their later years.

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