Retirement9 Sep 2024Chief constable 'retires' for a month before returnJo Shiner formally retired from the police in August as part of a 'retire and rejoin' scheme.9 Sep 2024Sussex7 Sep 2024'Oldest postmistress' to sell former Post OfficeKay White retired after almost 80 years working at the Post Office in Claverley, Shropshire.7 Sep 202431 Aug 2024Haberdasher hangs up scissors after 50 yearsBryan Machin says he feels a part of the furniture in the Watson & Thornton shop.31 Aug 202430 Aug 2024Park 'champion' retires after 50 years of serviceNeville Richmond is described as a "a huge asset" to the Warwick District Council’s maintenance team.30 Aug 2024Coventry & Warwickshire20 Aug 2024'Real gem' worker celebrates 50 years at same firmDerek Price, 66, says he has no plans to retire as working "keeps me going".20 Aug 2024Beds, Herts & Bucks1 Aug 2024Guernsey's head of public service to step down Mark de Garis has given advanced notice of his intention to retire before next year's election.1 Aug 2024Guernsey27 Jul 2024Hundreds turn up to send off pub landlordDennis Duckhouse, 66, is retiring after being landlord of Ye Olde Windmill, Burntwood, for 26 years.27 Jul 202413 Jun 2024Community says farewell to retiring shopowners Kosh and Uri Patel from Greatstone are retiring after running the local shop for 36 years. 13 Jun 2024Kent13 Jun 2024'We became known as the teapot family'Keith Blazyes says Kent risks losing the teapot collection if a buyer does not want their teapots.13 Jun 2024Kent...