Gay rights: Jerusalem celebrates 20 years of pride marches
Thousands of people have taken part in a colourful parade through the streets of Jerusalem carrying flags and banners as part of the city's annual LGBTQ+ Pride march.
Getty Images Jerusalem has held an annual celebration of LGBTQ+ rights since 2002, often having to push back against intimidation from ultra-Orthodox Jews among others.
Getty Images But in Jerusalem, a holy city for Muslim, Christians and Jews, the LGBT community faces a tougher time gaining acceptance than in some coastal cities, like Tel Aviv.
Getty Images More than 2,400 police officers were deployed to protect marchers after organisers received death threats on Twitter and Facebook.
Getty Images And several dozen protesters against the march gathered along the route
Getty Images Despite the threats, up to 7,000 people attended the march.
Getty Images The parade ended at Independence Park and featured performances from several Israeli singers
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