Festivals: Period facilities are needed at live events

The return of festivals has been welcome relief for many this summer, but one issue can still make live events a daunting prospect for some - periods.

Musician Francesca Dimech said she was "panicking" when she realised her period would coincide with a festival last month.

The 37-year-old from Cardiff said she'd normally delay her period with medication but this time a pharmacist refused to prescribe it.

She said: "It occurred to me, why am I changing my hormones... doing something drastic to my body just to go to a weekend festival?"

Olivia Thomas, 23, from the charity Swansea Takes on Period Poverty (STOPP), said the experience can be "daunting" and even "dehumanising".

With more events being held outdoors because of Covid-19, she said organisers needed to think about the amenities on offer.

Story by Kate Morgan, video by Nick Hartley