Staple Hill4 Feb 2025Remembering firefighter who lost her life on dutyFire crews pause to remember Fleur Lombard, who died fighting a supermarket fire in Bristol in 1996.4 Feb 2025Bristol26 Jul 2024Murder arrest after 'suspicious' death in houseA man found unresponsive in a house by police later dies at the scene.26 Jul 2024England4 May 2024Assault leaves two in hospital with head injuriesA police cordon is in place and officers are appealing for information. 4 May 202423 May 2023Blade carriers urged to use knife amnesty binsNew bins that can be used anonymously have been placed in a city's suburbs.23 May 2023Bristol27 Mar 2023PCCs welcome bigger fines for fly-tippingThe government confirms it will raise fines for people who fly-tip rubbish.27 Mar 2023Bristol24 Mar 2021'Don't call 999' daubed on paramedic's carBronwen Newbury found her car covered in graffiti at the end of a 12-hour night shift.24 Mar 2021Bristol