Jersey Airport4 days agoFlights between Jersey and Heathrow cancelledJersey Airport advises passengers who had been booked on the flights to check with the airline.4 days agoJersey5 Mar 2025Jersey Airport reopens after security incidentAbout 300 people were evacuated for several hours after the incident at Jersey Airport.5 Mar 2025Jersey3 Mar 2025Improvements planned to make airport roads saferNew traffic calming measures will be introduced at Jersey Airport by Ports of Jersey to increase safety.3 Mar 2025Jersey26 Feb 2025Ministers promise action after PFAS petitionMinisters say efforts to tackle PFAS in the island's water will be guided by scientific evidence.26 Feb 2025Jersey14 Feb 2025Family area opens at Jersey AirportThe area is designed to entertain young children while families are waiting for their flights.14 Feb 2025Jersey7 Feb 2025Solar panels to be fitted to Jersey Airport's roofThe new solar array will produce enough electricity to power the equivalent of 70 homes.7 Feb 2025Jersey27 Jan 2025Jersey in 'advanced talks' over new routesPorts of Jersey boss confident of direct flights to France and Germany.27 Jan 2025Jersey27 Dec 2024Thick fog causes Channel Island travel disruption The forecast says the fog is expected to remain for the day in Jersey but lift in Guernsey later.27 Dec 2024UK24 Dec 2024Airports open late to clear Christmas fog backlogExeter and Southampton will join Jersey and Guernsey in opening longer in case the weather improves.24 Dec 2024UK...