Hunting2 days agoPair fined for hare coursing offencesPaul Doherty and John Head were seen acting suspiciously on private land, a court hears.2 days agoEngland7 days agoHare coursing dogs found hidden inside water buttFour dogs are seized as police tackle the illegal bloodsport in rural Cambridgeshire.7 days agoCambridgeshire18 Mar 2025Farmers fear criminal hare coursing gangs 'could kill someone'Farmers warn there has been an increase in willingness to commit violence to farmers and gamekeepers.18 Mar 2025England18 Feb 2025Trail hunting being used as 'smokescreen'The national policing lead on fox hunting crime believes many hunts are routinely flouting the ban.18 Feb 2025Somerset9 Feb 2025Hunters prepare for another battle with governmentThe Countryside Alliance says Labour's decision to look again at trail hunting is "extraordinary".9 Feb 2025England6 Feb 2025Sixth arrest made in hare coursing investigationPolice have been investigating complaints of hare coursing, criminal damage and dangerous driving.6 Feb 2025Cambridgeshire4 Feb 2025Five arrests and dogs seized in hare coursing caseA member of the public reports a dog loose on an A-road and four animals are subsequently seized.4 Feb 2025Norfolk31 Jan 2025Hunt apologises after hounds run off near homesPolice are contacted after the hunt says its hounds "deviated" from a trail laid for them.31 Jan 2025Gloucestershire30 Jan 2025Farmer fears hare coursing gang could strike again Mathew Latta describes the devastation left by a gang of hare coursers as they rampaged across his farm.30 Jan 2025Cambridgeshire...