Organ2 Jun 2021Why astronauts are printing organsWith a global shortage of organs suitable for transplant, some researchers are looking at 3D printing of living tissue as a solution – but to do it they might need to go into orbit.2 Jun 2021Future26 Jun 2020The woman with a 100-year-old liverResearch suggests some parts of the body age faster than others to the point that they even outlive their owners. Could understanding this better help us to live longer?26 Jun 2020Future10 Dec 2014Could a pill boost your vision?Researchers are claiming that taking supplements of a pigment in food like spinach and eggs could sharpen vision. Douglas Heingartner looks at the evidence.10 Dec 2014Future22 Aug 2014‘I freeze people to cheat death’Max More will have his brain preserved after death. Rose Eveleth asks him why he signed up – and how the gruesome procedure of freezing bodies works.22 Aug 2014Future18 Aug 2014The mystery of asparagus and peeAfter eating asparagus, some people can detect a strange smell, while others claim not to notice a thing. What’s going on?18 Aug 2014Future16 May 2014‘I operate on people 400km away’Doctors are controlling scalpel-wielding robots in real operations from afar, finds Rose Eveleth. Is this the future of surgery?16 May 2014Future8 May 2014Could pig transplants save lives?If animal organs could be used to save our lives, will it mean we become a bit less human? Frank Swain speculates8 May 2014Future7 May 2014Tech in 2039: 5 vexing questionsIn 25 years time, what issues and fears will we have about our deeper interaction with computers? Scientists offer their most thought-provoking predictions7 May 2014Future31 Mar 2014Can you die of a broken heart?Extreme emotion can be a killer, says Jason G Goldman. So why did it take doctors so long to see the evidence hiding in plain sight?31 Mar 2014Future...