Email10 Jul 2020Why China skipped emailEmail has never been huge in China, and it’s down to a combination of cultural factors and timing.10 Jul 2020Business8 Jun 2020How to write emails in a pandemicEnding an email with ‘All the best’ or ‘Regards’ seems too detached right now. What can we say that seems genuine and compassionate?8 Jun 2020Business8 May 2015How safe is your password?Hackers are cooking up ever more ingenious ways to crack your secrets. But with the right tricks, you can learn to outsmart them and protect your privacy.8 May 2015Future7 Jan 2015First brain-to-brain emails?Could we one day hook up our brains to the internet? Rose Eveleth investigates a claim for the ‘first’ online message sent between two minds.7 Jan 2015Future18 Nov 2014Is email evil?A strange question until you consider what our inboxes ask of us and how these messages dictate our lives.18 Nov 2014Future17 Oct 2013Google balloons to fill net gapsMany parts of the world are without internet coverage. Now search giant Google plans to bring web connections via a fleet of high-flying balloons.17 Oct 2013Future12 Jul 2013Secrets behind the spam scamsA recent poll called them one of modern life’s top irritants, but how do spam messages work? And should you act like a scammer yourself to win attention online?12 Jul 2013Future11 Jul 2013Google’s grand design challengeAs the tech giant is overhauling the look of its products, BBC Click’s Sumi Das asks whether it is too big a company to have a unified design strategy.11 Jul 2013Future29 Jan 2013The psychology of the to-do listYour mind loves it when a plan comes together – the mere act of planning how to do something frees us from the burden of unfinished tasks.29 Jan 2013Future...