War4 days agoThe true story of The Great EscapeIn March 1944, 76 officers broke out of a German prisoner-of-war camp. In 1977, a key member of the escape team talked to the BBC about the mission, and the Hollywood film it inspired.4 days agoCulture10 Mar 2025How Oskar Schindler saved 1,200 Jewish peopleThe story of Schindler's heroism became a novel and a film. But in 1982, author Thomas Keneally told the BBC that this was all thanks to a chance meeting with a luggage salesman.10 Mar 2025Culture1 Jan 2025How Audrey Hepburn became a spy during WW2As a teenager growing up in the Netherlands, the Oscar-winning actress bravely carried messages for the Dutch resistance during the Nazi occupation.1 Jan 2025Culture2 Dec 20241950: How a US general nearly began a nuclear warIn December 1950, a BBC cameraman captured the fall of Pyongyang, a defining moment in the Korean War, when US General Douglas MacArthur threatened all-out nuclear war.2 Dec 2024Culture30 Oct 2024The truth about London's greatest wartime horrorOscar-winner Steve McQueen's latest film offers a new perspective on life in the capital during the devastating 1940-41 Nazi bombing campaign – dispelling myths and clichés.30 Oct 2024Culture17 Oct 2024Churchill's 'secret weapon' against the NazisChurchill's daughter-in-law and confidante Pamela Harriman has been described as "the greatest courtesan of her era". Was she a smart power player – or "shameless" and "repellent"?17 Oct 2024Culture16 Sep 2024The classic novel rescued from the reject pileWilliam Golding's novel Lord of the Flies was first published on 17 September 1954, and is now recognised as a classic.16 Sep 2024Culture29 Jul 2024The WW1 trauma that inspired The Lord of the RingsIn a 1968 interview, the BBC spoke to author JRR Tolkien about how his experiences during World War One had a profound effect and influenced his fantasy epic, Lord of the Rings.29 Jul 2024Culture22 Jul 2024'He was after my life': WW1 soldier's confessionWorld War One broke out on 28 July, 1914. Fifty years later, one of the German soldiers, Stefan Westmann, told the BBC about his experiences fighting in the conflict.22 Jul 2024Culture...