The young woman who wants to put bees in your office

Beyza Boyacioglu
Features correspondent
This beekeeping prodigy has found urban homes for 7.5 million bees

More honey bee colonies are disappearing every year. Leigh-Kathryn Bonner is using generations of family beekeeping knowledge to think up a promising solution.

The global honey bee population is in decline. Drought, pesticides, global warming and habitat destruction all share a piece of the blame.

The number of bee colonies per hectare of farmland is an important measurement of crop health. As the number of bees declines year by year, so too does the well-being of fruits and vegetables that the world depends on.

But Leigh-Kathryn Bonner, a 25-year-old coming from generations of beekeepers, has a solution. Since 2015, she’s partnered with major companies to install active beehives in their urban workspaces.

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