This 13-year-old makes apps to teach others about his autism

Bill Code
Features correspondent
A 13-year-old uses his coding skills to spread a message

From autism to environmentalism, Hamish Finlayson is raising awareness through video games.

For millions of young people around the world, living with autism is challenging enough without also having to deal with the prejudices of others.

Australian Hamish Finlayson is using his own experience of the condition to change perceptions of autism and increase awareness among his peers. The 13-year-old builds apps and games that help players better understand what it’s like to live with autism.

Many of this youngest generation, having grown up with technology, are building their own software to help spread awareness for many issues, from anxiety and mental health to cyberbullying. Finlayson is one of these bright sparks using his coding gift for the greater good.


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