Secrets to saving on renovations

Kelsey Hubbard
Features correspondent
90-Second Home Renovation Fix

Does the thought of remodeling send shivers down your spine — and into your wallet?

For most of us, a kitchen, bath or bedroom renovation is a costly and relationship-straining project. Who hasn’t fought bitterly with their partner over paint colours and rising expenses? But there are ways to make home makeovers less grueling.

For one, look to renovate what you have, rather than build something new.

“It is significantly less expensive to reorganise existing space than to create additional space to an existing home,” said Benjamin Ascher, an architect with Studio g&a in New York.

Look into “green renovations” as well. Though the materials may be more expensive, you could reap benefits by charging a premium for your property when you go to sell.

Click on the arrow above to learn more about these and other tips on saving on home renovations.