Jersey World War Two bunkers sprayed with swastikas

Swastikas have been sprayed on bunkers in Jersey which were built during the Nazi occupation of the island.
The vandals also drew the letters 'SS', the insignia of Adolf Hitler's notorious paramilitary organisation.
A bench was also defaced with the letters HH, which stands for 'Heil Hitler'.
Jersey Police said they are investigating the graffiti, which comes after other WW2-era buildings were vandalised.

The swastikas appeared on two different bunkers in the south of the island, at Noirmont and Le Grouin headland, as well as on translation signs and plaques alongside the structures.
In July and August 2017 two World War Two bunkers were defaced with swastikas.
The following June the symbol was drawn on a memorial to Russian slave workers who had died during the Nazi occupation.
The bunkers were built on the island during the German occupation of the Channel Islands in WW2, as part of Adolf Hitler's Atlantic Wall fortification plans.