Ben Nevis has special place in my heart - new record holder

An endurance runner has set a new record for going up and down Ben Nevis seven times in 24 hours.

Mallaig fish farm worker Pawel Cymbalista took 20 hours and 40 minutes to complete the challenge on Britain's tallest mountain on 12-13 June.

He first broke the record on the 1,345m (4,413ft) peak in 2021 after managing it in 21 hours and 49 minutes.

Inverness-based Francisco Javier Cabrera Valdes completed the feat 40 minutes quicker in 2023, but Mr Cymbalista, who is originally from Poland, has taken the record again.

His run raised funds for the Mallaig Shop and Community Hub charity, and came just 10 years after he gave up a 20-a-day cigarette habit.

Video edited by Catherine Lyst

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