Tayside Aviation goes into administration with loss of 22 jobs

A Dundee-based flight school has gone into administration after more than half a century with the loss of 22 jobs.
Tayside Aviation Limited, which was founded in 1968, ceased trading on Thursday.
The firm provided courses for private licences to full commercial licences and delivered the RAF Air Cadet Pilot Scheme for more than 30 years.
Geoff Jacobs and Blair Nimmo have been appointed as joint administrators.
The company was bought in December 2021 by Tony Banks, the founder of Balhousie Care Group.
It employed 25 people at its Dundee Airport base.
The RAF Air Cadet Pilot Scheme recently went through a competition tendering process as the existing contract with Tayside Aviation was coming to an end.
An RAF spokesman said it was "reviewing available options" for the future delivery of the scholarship.

The administrators said that at the time of the purchase, the company had a significant liability for prepaid flying courses which affected its ability to generate income from new sales.
They added: "At the same time, further challenges arose through delays in onboarding senior personnel which adversely impacted business performance.
"Despite a significant investment from the shareholder of £1.5m in addition to the purchase price, these issues have led to ongoing working capital requirements that are unable to be funded."
Mr Jacobs said: "We will be taking all steps to rapidly assess whether there are any parties who would have an interest in the business and assets, and would advise those with an interest to make contact quickly.
We appreciate that there will be many customers who are in receipt of pre-paid flying hours."