Arctic walrus 'Wally' spotted off Sutherland coast

Steven McKenzie
BBC Scotland Highlands and Islands reporter
Bill Moseley walrus off ArmadaleBill Moseley
The walrus at Armadale

A walrus dubbed Wally and seen in Orkney a few weeks ago has been spotted in north Sutherland.

The animal was filmed swimming in the sea off Armadale on Thursday morning.

Previously, there was a reported sighting earlier this week at Dunnet Head, Caithness.

It is understood to be the first time since 1954 a walrus has been seen in the Scottish mainland. The film shows the walrus gliding gracefully through the water.

The visitor was spotted on in Orkney nearly a fortnight ago, at North Ronaldsay and on Sanday. but now appears to have swum to the mainland.

Bill Mosely Walrus at ArmadaleBill Mosely
The walrus was filmed by Bill Moseley on Thursday morning

A walrus was previously sighted in the Northern Isles in 2013, but the latest visitor is believed to be a different individual.

The animals feed on shellfish, using their whiskers to find their prey on the seabed.

Caithness Sea Watching has said of the latest sighting of Wally: "A big thank you to Bill Moseley for sharing his video with us, and Katrina Geddes for alerting us to the sighting.

"It's a fabulous sighting and I am sure many people with be quite envious."

Russell Neave Walrus in SandayRussell Neave
The walrus was spotted earlier this month in Orkney