Inspectors praise Low Moss prison in East Dunbartonshire

Low Moss prison has been described as a safe place, in a report by the Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland.
Prisoners at the East Dunbartonshire facility told David Strang they felt treated with respect while staff said they felt safe and confident.
However, the report said health care at the jail was an area of concern.
It found some prisoners waited up to four weeks to see a GP for a routine appointment, and nurse treatment clinics were regularly cancelled.
Low Moss houses a range of prisoners from those on remand to inmates serving life sentences.
It provides 700 cells, which can accommodate up to 782 prisoners as well as facilities to help prisoners address their reoffending and re-integrate back into the community on their release from prison.
At the time of inspection, which was carried out in May and June, a total of 751 prisoners were in custody.
The report said there was an "impressive variety" of partner organisations delivering a range of services to prisoners.
Naloxone medication
Inspectors said staff shortages were impacting on basic health care provision.
There was also little opportunity to offer health promotion in respect of addictions and substance, or alcohol misuse.
Inspectors raised concerned that Naloxone training had not been given to prisoners since February, and records indicated there had been no Naloxone kits distributed since July.
Naloxone is a medication that reverses the effects of an overdose from opioids such as heroin and methadone.
Inspectors are to revisit the prison with colleagues from Healthcare Improvement Scotland early in 2018 to look at the issue of healthcare provision.