Archaeological finds made during excavations at historic sites in Scotland have been captured in a series of images taken by three photographers.
The work was commissioned as part of the Dig It! archaeology project to mark the end of the Scotland Digs 2021 campaign. The campaign celebrated the latest season of archaeological digs.
Chris Dooks
A flake of worked flint potentially from the late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age and a lead shot which could date to the 16th Century. The finds were made on Threave Estate in Dumfries and Galloway.
Demelza Kingston
A piece of worked flint left over from the making of a stone tool which was found at an early Christian cemetery on the Isle of Lismore in the Inner Hebrides.
Chris Dooks
An unidentified iron object unearthed on Threave Estate.
Chris Dooks
A lead shot, prehistoric flint flake and medieval spindle whorl unearthed from the excavation at Threave Estate. Spindle whorls were used in the spinning of fibres into yarn for making textiles.
Shahbaz Majeed
Looking down on a dig of a waggonway - an early railway - that crosses Prestonpans Battlefield between Cockenzie and Meadowmill in East Lothian.