Glenn Quinn: Family appeal for information about murder

The family of a man beaten to death by paramilitaries in Carrickfergus hope the offer of a reward will help bring the killers to justice.
Glenn Quinn, 47, was murdered at his Ashleigh Park home in January.
The attack was carried out by individuals believed to have to links to the South East Antrim UDA.
His mother Ellen said: "It is hard to live with, especially when they are walking the streets."
The police have said the investigation has "stalled", possibly because people are too frightened to come forward.
A fresh appeal for help has been made through the BBC Crimewatch programme and the charity Crimestoppers has put up £10,000 for information leading to convictions.
Mr Quinn was killed after speaking out against on attack on a friend's business.
Two of three people arrested immediately after his murder remain suspects, according to police.
Det Ch Insp Darren McCartney said: "I am absolutely convinced there are people who could provide information.

"The big concern for me is there is a reluctance to come forward because of potential retribution."
He added that while those involved in the murder had paramilitary links, the attack was not believed to have been ordered by the South East Antrim UDA leadership.
Mr Quinn's brother Martin said: "That organisation has said it has not got a problem with witnesses coming forward and they will not be subject to intimidation.
"So we would ask people search your heart and help the police."
Mr Quinn's mother added: "I just want justice for an innocent man who was terminally ill and was beaten beyond recognition.
"I don't want it to happen to anybody else."