HS2: New HS2 bubbling pool appears at rugby club

A new "fiercely bubbling" muddy pool has appeared at Ruislip Rugby Club in west London, where work to build the HS2 high speed rail line is being carried out.

Local resident and Green councillor Sarah Green said the pool, which appeared over the weekend, looked deeper than the first one earlier this month, and like the ground was sinking.

She said she had concerns about HS2 tunnelling going under houses and causing a similar effect.

"This pool was a clearer consistency but furiously bubbling compared to the sludge from the last one," she added.

"There are lots of children that come to play in this field so I worry about the spoil the tunnels are bringing up." 

HS2 said air trapped in the ground was being forced out during tunnelling operations and causing the bubbling-up to the surface, forming a puddle.

On Monday, a third dry small hole was also cordoned-off at the club.