With political parties in apparent disarray, can the UK's Youth Parliament sort out Brexit?
Harriet Thorpe who plays Queen Vic landlady Elaine on preparing for the upcoming live episode.
A plain-clothes police officer tackled the thief as he tried to flee from a shop in Barnet.
Since 2011, Matthew Streeton's voice has been heard by millions of train passengers in London.
In 1985, the BBC captured the reaction from Londoners to the first episode of EastEnders.
The British actor says the South Korean director's work will "go down in history".
Michael Morris has been showing BBC London around some of the filming locations in the latest movie.
Bodycam footage shows officers evacuating the building and tackling the fire with extinguishers in Euston, London.
Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner has spoken to the BBC about the decision to demolish Grenfell Tower.
Hamid Ali Jafari, whose father was killed in the fire, says he fears removing the tower means the tragedy will be forgotten.
Ahead of the annual Clowns' Church Service, we've gone back to 1977 to learn more about its history.
Fair Shot Café helps train about 15 people a year, preparing them for work in hospitality.
The culprit, Derick Bell, pleaded guilty to two counts of theft and has been jailed for eight weeks.
The young people who are spending their night out at a pop-up chess club in Brixton, south London.
Actor Brian Cox on his love of the London stage ahead of his return to the Theatre Royal Haymarket.
Shawn Gregory returns to the London venue that inspired him to be an acrobat for Cirque du Soleil.
Jack Johnson from south-east London is being hailed as a potential world champion.
Justice Oyedokun has been jailed for eight months after pleading guilty to drugs offences.
Meet the couple who make Jamaican patties in Brixton with a variety of different flavours.
Broadcaster Jameela Jamil talks about the tabloid media's obsession with the size of womens' bodies.
Margaret Mizen expressed shock to learn her son's killer recorded music referencing the murder.