'Love locks' removed from Perranporth beach bridge after storms
Padlocks left as mementos on a beach bridge have been permanently removed.
In recent years the bridge at Perranporth beach in Cornwall had become covered in "love locks".
The Perranporth Gardens Charities, which owns the bridge, said the weight of the padlocks had become a problem during recent storms.
It said: "The weight of these together with high winds has damaged it [the bridge] and we will not be allowing any more padlocks to be attached there."
The group said on Facebook: "If anyone would like their padlocks back, they will be at the car park for the next seven days for collection."
Love locks or love padlocks, which are often inscribed with names, initials, or a short message, are attached to bridges to symbolise unbreakable love.
One of the most famous bridges of love is the Pont-des-Arts in Paris where the authorities also had to take action to prevent damage.