Action promised over 'nightmare' road bollards in Watford

Road bollards blamed for writing off a series of vehicles could be removed within months if residents supported the move, a council has said.

Videos of cars and a police van colliding with the width restriction on Woodmere Avenue in Watford have been shared millions of times online and featured in TV news reports around the world.

It was introduced a decade ago to deter larger vehicles from using the road but one resident who lives nearby said: "It's a complete nightmare, it really is. Every couple of days, there's an accident."

Hertfordshire County Council said legislation to let them install enforcement cameras instead should be in place by May but executive member for highways and transport Phil Bibby promised to look at whether the bollards could be removed sooner.

He said: "I would not ask my officers to do anything without consulting the residents. If the residents then decided, yes, they wanted the width restriction taken away, then we could do that."

1 February 2022