Jack Mortimer: 'The only heroes are the ones that don't come back'

Jack Mortimer was 20 when he took part in the D-Day invasion. He had volunteered for the 12 Ordnance Beach detachment and became a driver and despatch rider.

Jack trained with naval commandos for the landing in Scotland and how they would organise the beach on arrival.

He remembers his war days in great detail and especially the events around the invasion and says he has never forgotten those who died trying to secure Sword Beach before he landed.

Watch more stories from the We Were There project.

Ahead of the 80th anniversary of the end of World War Two, in 2025, the BBC is trying to gather as many first-hand accounts from surviving veterans as possible, to preserve them for future generations.

If you have a story to share, or know someone who does, please use this form to tell us a little bit more or email us at [email protected]..