Question Time and Doctor Who among 'most tweeted about' BBC shows

Question Time, the Andrew Marr Show and Doctor Who were the most tweeted about BBC TV shows of 2018, figures show.
Audiences took to Twitter to discuss news and current affairs programmes, with Newsnight, BBC Breakfast and Victoria Derbyshire all in the top 10.
TV Licensing said the Apprentice, Eurovision, EastEnders, and Strictly Come Dancing were also popular topics.
Other shows on the list included Top Of The Pops 2, Countryfile, Killing Eve, Casualty, Panorama and the One Show.
TV Licensing's Michael Collins said: "Throughout 2018, unmissable TV moments have united fans, sparked debate and compelled viewers to join the conversation on social media, with watching and tweeting going hand in hand as part of the viewing routine."
Several BBC programmes, including the most tweeted about show Question Time, encourage viewers to use Twitter to play a part in the programme.