Sandiacre7 days agoMan to run marathon dressed as the London EyeRoger Farnsworth says he built the replica of the landmark from electrical tubing and water bottles.7 days agoDerbyshire15 Mar 2025Affordable homes estate honours codebreaking heroThe development is on the site of a house owned by Rolf Noskwith, who worked at Bletchley Park.15 Mar 2025Derbyshire1 Feb 2025Overnight closures for M1 slip road maintenanceThe work at junction 25 will start on 17 February and is set to continue until mid-May.1 Feb 2025Derby29 Jan 2025Why is Sandiacre holding a referendum?People in Sandiacre are being asked whether they support a new plan for the town.29 Jan 2025Derby28 Dec 2024Rob Burrow inspires man to raise £25,000 for MNDRob Tiffney set himself a huge challenge after the death of former rugby league player Rob Burrow.28 Dec 2024Derby1 Nov 2024Cyclist seriously injured in crash with vanA man in his 20s was taken to hospital after a collision, said Derbyshire Police.1 Nov 2024Derby20 Sep 2024Bid to create drive-thru near school and M1 rejectedA head teacher told a meeting he was "incredibly worried about the footfall".20 Sep 2024Derby13 Sep 2024Two new drive-through sites set for approvalTwo restaurants are proposed for land close to the M1 and A52 in Derbyshire.13 Sep 2024Derby25 Jul 2024Anger at council's 'scruffy' new mowing regimeA new approach to green spaces was approved in March but with the grass now grown people are upset.25 Jul 2024Derby...