Pollination10 hrs agoCity hopes to become 'pollinator capital'Bristol is hoping to become the UK's first pollinator capital as part of a campaign to protect hoverflies10 hrs agoEngland6 Oct 2024Bees tracked with tiny radar chips and dronesEntomologist Dr Tonya Lander said her team invented the "smallest" radar tags used to track bees.6 Oct 2024Oxford29 Sep 2024Market garden bids to attract insects year-roundMore than 800 plants and bulbs are added to Darley Street Market in Bradford.29 Sep 2024Bradford1 Jul 2024Londoners asked to count city's pollinating insectsA charity hopes the survey will help assess the health of all pollinators in the capital.1 Jul 2024London10 Jun 2024Boy, 10, campaigns to create pollinator habitatsArchie, from Addlestone, wants to work with councils to make roundabouts more bee-friendly.10 Jun 2024Surrey