County lines drugs trade1 day agoSeventeen arrested in county lines crackdownPolice also seize thousands of pounds worth of drugs and cash in the raids across the West Midlands.1 day agoEngland2 days agoScouse Dave county lines gang members jailedThe gang sold crack cocaine and heroin through Liverpool, Hampshire and Plymouth, police say.2 days agoEngland11 Mar 2025Gang who used children to deliver drugs jailedA former footballer supplied the drugs and had links to a network across Europe and South America.11 Mar 2025Wiltshire7 Mar 2025Hundreds of cannabis plants seized in drugs raidsThirteen people were arrested for drug supply offences and 100g of cocaine was seized, say police.7 Mar 2025England7 Mar 2025Drugs worth £1.7m seized as 10 cannabis farms foundPolice find the drugs during a week-long operation that uncovered 10 cannabis factories.7 Mar 2025England24 Feb 2025Deputy mayor: 'We need to do more' to understand young peopleWork to steer vulnerable males away from county lines groups is "crucial" to crime strategy.24 Feb 2025England19 Feb 2025County lines arrests as drugs worth £16,000 seizedArrests came after officers spotted a Mercedes which they believed was involved in supplying drugs.19 Feb 2025Shropshire18 Feb 2025Eight arrests as police clamp down on drug dealsPolice make arrests and seize cash and phones as officers tackle "county lines" drug dealing networks.18 Feb 2025Norfolk14 Feb 2025Boy, 16, guilty of murder at drugs houseThe teenager admitted stabbing the victim, but claimed he had acted in self-defence.14 Feb 2025England...