Wiltshire Police1 day agoPair fined for hare coursing offencesPaul Doherty and John Head were seen acting suspiciously on private land, a court hears.1 day agoEngland4 days agoEwe 'killed in attack by two dogs loose in field'A farmer is believed to have confirmed that the sheep was pregnant and that her lambs had died too.4 days agoWiltshire7 days agoRescue dog Reggie 'loves' drug recovery roleWiltshire Police adopted rescue dog Reggie last year after the Dogs Trust recognised his potential.7 days agoEngland18 Mar 2025Police officer charged with making indecent imagesCallum Denley faces five charges and is due to appear in court in April.18 Mar 2025Wiltshire17 Mar 2025Family releases tribute to 'beautiful son'The family of Sebastian Sailes say he had an "enthusiasm and passion for life".17 Mar 2025Wiltshire16 Mar 2025Noxious substance incident at nightclubA man was arrested at Kioki nightclub, in Swindon, police said.16 Mar 2025Wiltshire12 Mar 2025Two police stations to close amid funding squeezeWiltshire Police said it had to find more than £5 million in savings in its latest budget. 12 Mar 2025Wiltshire11 Mar 2025Antisocial behaviour orders sought for town centreA councillor says some people are "scared" to visit the area due to antisocial behaviour.11 Mar 2025Wiltshire10 Mar 2025Guides earn their police challenge badgesMore than 100 Guides and Brownies from across Wiltshire attended the event put on by police.10 Mar 2025Wiltshire...