Sharks6 Mar 2025Man bitten by shark on South Africa fishing tripCurtis Miller needed 91 stitches after being bitten by a 300lb ragged-tooth shark.6 Mar 2025Wales3 Jan 2025Shark found dead after suspected 'sport fishing'Cornwall Wildlife Trust said a thresher shark was found dead on Par beach.3 Jan 2025Cornwall29 Dec 2024School chaplain killed in shark attack on Australia's Great Barrier ReefThe youth pastor was spearfishing with his family off an island at the time of the attack.29 Dec 2024Australia12 Nov 2024Lights under surfboards could deter shark attacks - studyFixing LED lights under surfboards could stop great white sharks from attacking, Australian scientists find.12 Nov 2024World17 Oct 2024Massive great white shark washes up dead on Cape Cod beachOfficials had to use a tow truck to carry the 3.6 meter shark off the beach. 17 Oct 2024Science & Environment7 Oct 2024Boat tour passengers' thrill at shark sightingA shark sighting during a Farne Islands boat tour brings joy to passengers.7 Oct 2024Tyne25 Sep 2024'Worrying' fall in Scottish basking shark sightingsAn annual survey of marine animals has counted the fewest basking sharks in its 20 years.25 Sep 2024Scotland12 Sep 2024Shark spotted swimming near tourist shipEx-fisherman Peter Williams says it was rare to see a porbeagle shark swimming so close to the boat.12 Sep 2024North Yorkshire12 Aug 2024Shark speedboat broken in engine theftFin Bowron from Boulmer says the boat's engine was stolen before he could take it for a second trip.12 Aug 2024Tyne...