States of Jersey Ambulance Service3 days agoHealth department to take over ambulance serviceDeputy Mary Le Hegarat says the ambulance service expects to move to the health department by July. 3 days agoJersey27 Jan 2025Only call 999 in emergency - ambulance servicePeople can call healthcare providers or pharmacists for non-urgent advice, health bosses say.27 Jan 2025Jersey21 Oct 2024Suspended paramedics await appeal hearing verdictTwo men are fighting convictions for failing to properly take care of a man who died of an overdose.21 Oct 2024Jersey17 Jul 2024Ambulance staff 'consider going after court case'It's after two ambulance workers were given a conditional discharge by the Royal Court.17 Jul 2024Jersey27 May 2024People learn life-saving skills in JerseyEmergency services and voluntary agencies put on displays at the ambulance service’s open day.27 May 20246 Dec 2023Emergency services mark anniversaries of tragediesTributes have been paid by the Chief Officers of the emergency services in memory of those who died.6 Dec 2023Jersey13 Oct 2022New service to 'measure seriousness' of 999 callsNew ambulance response programme to change the way 999 calls are prioritised.13 Oct 2022Jersey4 Jul 2022Community responders to aid in medical emergenciesThe volunteer community first responders may be able to provide crucial early medical care.4 Jul 2022