Barnard Castle2 days agoDrugs too easily available at prison, watchdog warnsThere is no "co-ordinated or effective" drugs strategy in place at HMP Deerbolt a watchdog says.2 days ago16 Mar 2025Your pictures: Rain and shine as spring beginsYou have been sharing your photos of the North East and Cumbria at the start of meteorological spring.16 Mar 2025England6 Feb 2025More bank hubs to be rolled out as branches shutThe plan is for 10 new hubs, including in Barnard Castle in County Durham and Cockermouth in Cumbria.6 Feb 2025England12 Dec 2024Concerns over town's parking due to restrictionsDurham County Council says plans for four roads will "improve road safety for all users".12 Dec 2024England8 Dec 2024Anniversary exhibition celebrates museum founder"Trailblazer and Trendsetters" marks the 200th birthday of art collector Josephine Bowes.8 Dec 2024Culture25 Nov 2024'When she said enough is enough, it should have been enough'Families who experienced terminal illness share their stories ahead of a vote on assisted dying.25 Nov 2024Tyne29 Oct 2024Consultation on A68 bypass launched after delaysThe council is asking those with knowledge of their area for feedback on the plans for the bypass.29 Oct 2024Tees26 Oct 2024Reopening of revamped leisure centre delayedIt has been closed since February with a new soft play area, gym and heating being installed.26 Oct 202421 Oct 2024Water firm wants 13% bill hike to tackle sewageBBC Look North's Mark Denten is taken on a tour of the treatment works in Howdon.21 Oct 2024England...