Ian Paisley5 Jul 2024DUP lose Westminster seat held by Paisleys since 1970The North Antrim seat has been held by Ian Paisley and his father since 1970.5 Jul 2024Northern Ireland Politics10 Apr 2024Paisley confirms support for DUP leader RobinsonIan Paisley says Gavin Robinson will "steady the ship" after a difficult period for the party.10 Apr 2024Northern Ireland10 Nov 2023Don't snatch away our children's drugs, say mumsMedication to treat cystic fibrosis may soon no longer be available through the health service.10 Nov 2023Northern Ireland6 Feb 2023PSNI job 'almost impossible on shoestring budget'MP Ian Paisley tells a Westminster debate the PSNI is being asked to operate "on the cheap".6 Feb 2023Northern Ireland9 Nov 2022DUP tables bill requiring 'super-majority' in pollThe bill has been criticised by both Alliance and SDLP who said it would never be debated.9 Nov 2022Northern Ireland8 Oct 2022Would the real Steve Baker please stand up?The NI minister has gone from ardent Brexiteer to love-bombing Ireland and the European Union.8 Oct 2022Northern Ireland4 Oct 2022Funeral of peace deal unless protocol sorted - PootsThe DUP MLA repeats his party will not return to Stormont until the issues it has are resolved.4 Oct 2022Northern Ireland29 Sep 2022Ballymena bus firm closes with 65 jobs lostNu-Track, which posted a £600,000 loss in 2021, says it was in an "unavoidable situation".29 Sep 2022Northern Ireland22 Jun 2022Bill on legacy issues 'presents an opportunity'Ex-lord chief justice in NI says the prize is so great, he is reluctant to depart from the bill.22 Jun 2022Northern Ireland...