Student debt21 Mar 2025US small business agency to oversee student loansThe Small Business Administration will now manage the loans of some 40 million US borrowers. 21 Mar 2025US & Canada5 Dec 2024Q&A: What financial help is there for uni students?As university fees rise in Wales again, affordability will be a key consideration for young people.5 Dec 2024Wales4 Dec 2024Everything you need to know about student loansWhat can I borrow and when do I have to start paying back my loans?4 Dec 2024Family & Education4 Dec 2024Why are university tuition fees going up?Tuition fees in England and Wales will rise next year to help universities.4 Dec 2024Family & Education9 Nov 2024Former students urged to check for loan refundsNew figures show university graduates could be eligible for refunds worth nearly £200m.9 Nov 202429 Sep 2024'It's just a mess' - Left in limbo by US student loan logjamAs Democrats and Republicans fight over student debt, borrowers are caught in the middle.29 Sep 2024US & Canada21 Sep 2024Student grows vegetables to save moneyMajority of students at Kent universities face financial struggles that are causing stress for some.21 Sep 2024Kent15 Sep 2024'I got a £44,000 student loan - now I owe £54,000’The new repayment rate for student loans started this month but for some graduates the debt pile keeps growing.15 Sep 2024Business28 Aug 2024Supreme Court blocks Biden's latest try at student debt reliefIt was another blow after the court struck down his attempt to cancel as much as $400bn in loans.28 Aug 2024US & Canada...