Penguins18 Mar 2025'Movie star' penguin hopes to be world's favouriteSeth the 40-year-old penguin starred in Batman Returns in the early 1990s.18 Mar 2025Gloucestershire18 Mar 2025Last-minute deal to protect African penguins from extinctionNo-go fishing zones agreed to stop vessels catching sardines and anchovies around breeding grounds.18 Mar 2025Africa18 Mar 2025Brian the penguin in running to be 'world's best' The 15-year-old penguin with "a colourful love life" is representing Hull in a global competition.18 Mar 202518 Feb 2025Wildlife park welcomes two female king penguinsIt is hoped the new arrivals will boost Birdland Park and Gardens' breeding programme.18 Feb 2025Gloucestershire13 Feb 2025Highly endangered penguin chicks 'thriving' at zooPudding and Humbug remain under the care of their parents Bob and Zulika, the zoo says.13 Feb 2025Norfolk12 Feb 2025Antarctic engineers p-p-p-pick up a new team memberAlan Cox, from Lincolnshire, says the gentoo penguin is very interested in his team's excavator.12 Feb 2025Lincolnshire8 Feb 2025Cornish author's book made into Steve Coogan film Tom Michell says it has been an "extraordinary journey" seeing his book being turned into a movie.8 Feb 2025Cornwall14 Jan 2025Appeal to find missing large penguin decorationStanley is four feet tall, has been delighting children and had become a "village feature".14 Jan 2025Beds, Herts & Bucks7 Dec 2024Big penguin adorns village phone box for ChristmasIt has become an annual tradition to decorate an old phone box in the Fenland village.7 Dec 2024Cambridgeshire...