Cambodia8 Jan 2025A politician was shot dead in Bangkok. Did another country do it?Lim Kimya's killing had all the hallmarks of a cold-blooded, professional assassination.8 Jan 2025Asia3 Dec 2024Cambodia jails 13 pregnant Filipino surrogatesThe women were found when police raided a villa near the capital Phnom Penh in September.3 Dec 2024Asia24 Oct 2024Cambodian journalist who exposed cyberscams released on bailThe award-winning journalist had been charged over accusations that his social media posts could "incite social unrest". 24 Oct 2024Asia7 Oct 2024Does China now have a permanent military base in Cambodia?Satellite images show the steady expansion of naval facilities that have international onlookers worried.7 Oct 2024Asia1 Oct 2024Award-winning Cambodian journalist who exposed cyberscams is arrestedMech Dara faces up to two years in jail after being charged with inciting unrest on social media.1 Oct 2024Asia15 Aug 2024Wrong body sent home after man's death in CambodiaKevin Nightingale's family went to identify his body but found a 77-year-old stranger.15 Aug 2024Nottingham18 Jul 2024Near-extinct crocodiles make comeback in CambodiaThe hatching of 60 eggs is a record for the endangered species in this century.18 Jul 2024Asia2 Jul 2024Cambodia jails green activists for 'anti-state plot'The court's decision is yet another blow to civil liberties in Cambodia, rights activists say.2 Jul 2024Asia2 May 2024Cambodia blames heatwave for deadly ammo blastAn ammunition blast that killed 20 soldiers is being partly blamed on a heatwave gripping the region.2 May 2024Asia...