Recycling9 hrs agoCouncil to spend £3.5m on 124,000 recycling binsResidents are to be given an extra recycling bin as per new laws.9 hrs agoScience & Environment14 hrs agoPrisoners recycling fishing waste scheme extendedA recycling scheme that sorts fishing equipment for reuse is renewed for another three years.14 hrs agoJersey1 day agoCancer group eco-drive over medicine blister packsThe group is overwhelmed by offers of help after a social media campaign about pill pack recycling.1 day agoShropshire2 days agoPilot scheme to reverse falling recycling ratesThe council says it will choose an area or ward of Brentwood to test the scheme.2 days agoEssex3 days agoTech amnesty gathers a tonne of devices for reuseThe initiative is highlighting the importance of reusing technology rather than discarding it.3 days agoEngland3 days agoSecond hand shops open at Cornwall's rubbish tipsFurniture and homeware can be dropped off for possible resale at Cornwall's tips.3 days agoCornwall4 days agoWorkers' 'shock' at proposed recycling centre cutsStaff claim they were not warned about the potential for cuts.4 days agoCornwall4 days agoPeak District footbridge rebuilt with rubbishRecycled plastic is used to repair a footbridge which had fallen into a state of disrepair.4 days agoEngland4 days agoTip booking system was a pre-election headacheShropshire Council scrapped the unpopular booking system 11 weeks before elections.4 days agoShropshire