Helen Morgan4 days agoSwitchover must protect most vulnerable - MPsHome phones in the UK are being switched to an internet-based system instead of copper cables.4 days agoShropshire3 Feb 2025MP calls for pylon route to go undergroundThere are plans for 31 miles of new pylons, running from Powys and into north Shropshire.3 Feb 2025Shropshire20 Dec 2024Driving test wait cut plan gets cautious welcomeA Shropshire MP says the issues overwhelmingly affect young people in her rural constituency. 20 Dec 2024Shropshire19 Dec 2024Three-month wait for scan results cut to two weeksHospital trust projects waits for CT scan results will fall from 12 weeks to a fortnight by Christmas 19 Dec 2024Shropshire2 Dec 2024Under-threat post office could be franchisedOswestry Post Office is one of more than 100 at risk of closure.2 Dec 2024Shropshire29 Jul 2024I felt out of step - former Tory who joined Lib DemsDavid Minnery is a Liberal Democrat councillor on the authority he once served as a Conservative.29 Jul 2024Shropshire17 Jul 2024MP asks government for civic centre fundingWhitchurch Civic Centre closed in September after unsafe concrete was found in the roof structure.17 Jul 2024Shropshire5 Jul 2024Five takeaways from the general election in ShropshireIt was a night of change, with Shrewsbury getting its first female MP and Lib-Dems polling most votes.5 Jul 2024Shropshire26 May 2024National service plan is desperate - Lib Dem MPThe prime minister says he believes the plan will help foster the "national spirit".26 May 2024England...