Swansea University21 Mar 2025Young writers on Dylan Thomas Prize shortlistThe award of £20,000 is given to writers aged 39 and younger with "exceptional" talent. 21 Mar 2025Wales29 Jan 2025Cardiff uni job cuts 'threaten supply of nurses'Some lecturers at Cardiff University have begun getting letters advising them their post is at risk.29 Jan 2025Wales29 Aug 2024Ancient Egyptian coffin finally given new lifeDating back to around 650 BC the state of the artefact had badly deteriorated over the years. 29 Aug 2024Wales12 Aug 2024Welsh sixth-form uni applications lowest in UKA growing gap in applications between Wales and the overall UK rate is worrying, uni bosses say.12 Aug 2024Wales9 Aug 2024Huw Edwards resigns from honorary postsThe ex-presenter has already lost a top Welsh honour after admitting making child sex abuse images. 9 Aug 2024Wales7 Aug 2024Game of Thrones star helping grow seagrass meadowsActor Iwan Rheon has been leading the UK's biggest underwater habitat restoration project off the north Wales coast.7 Aug 2024Wales25 Jul 2024Daughter graduates from mum's uni over 70 years onA Singapore woman follows in her 100-year-old mum's footsteps to graduate from Swansea University.25 Jul 2024Asia28 May 2024Mental health cited for pupils missing schoolPupils are having panic attacks before school and staff are visiting homes to tackle attendance.28 May 2024Wales27 Apr 2024Support for students after campus fall deathFirst-year student Matthew Gilbert, 19, died following a fall from a sixth-floor window.27 Apr 2024Wales...