Pollution23 hrs agoOysters will 'help clear up' water in harbourOysters are being used to filter and improve water quality off the coast of Jersey. 23 hrs agoJersey4 days agoTown fights 'losing battle' against bad smellsPeople say the strong odours have plagued the town for years and are stopping community activities.4 days agoSomerset5 days agoHigh air pollution alert issued for LondonLondoners are asked to switch off vehicle engines when idling and to refrain from burning garden waste.5 days ago8 days agoAre you cleaning your water bottle enough?Every time you take a sip from your water bottle, you are depositing bacteria inside and over the course of a day these can multiply by the millions. Should you be worried?8 days agoFuture15 Mar 2025Work starts to remove sunken boats from riverA crane has been brought in to remove five sunken boats from the River Avon in Bath.15 Mar 2025England11 Mar 2025Wind direction could save coast from oil spillWeather expert says prevailing winds are expected to move pollution from tanker crash southwards.11 Mar 2025North Yorkshire10 Mar 2025Pipeline plans causing concern and anger More than 200 people attend a meeting to discuss plans to discharge treated sewage into the River Onny.10 Mar 2025Shropshire10 Mar 2025Can you ever really clean up an oil spill?Major oil spills can be catastrophic for seabirds and marine life. Nearly 15 years on from the biggest marine spill in history, are we any better at cleaning up oil at sea?10 Mar 2025Future8 Mar 2025Woman who 'married' Avon continues clean water callsMegan Ruth-Trump's campaign aims to raise awareness of untreated sewage being pumped into waterways.8 Mar 2025Bristol...