Gardening2 days agoCampaign sows seeds for new flax crop in TotnesPeople are being encouraged to grow flax for a range of local uses besides food.2 days agoDevon7 days agoDaffodil weekend is 'Britain at its best'The village event has run since 1966 and is taking place on 22 and 23 March. 7 days agoCambridgeshire8 days agoGardening therapy 'life-changing' for stroke victimDoug Walker said a Somerset charity helped build his confidence and showed him he "wasn't alone". 8 days agoSomerset11 Mar 2025'You'd get a plot quicker in Roselawn Cemetery than an allotment'Demand for allotments in Belfast is outweighing availability, with almost 1,000 keen gardeners on the waiting list for a plot.11 Mar 2025Northern Ireland10 Mar 2025Demand for allotments in Belfast outweighs availabilityThere are 964 people on the waiting list for the city's 281 plots, according to a council report. 10 Mar 2025Northern Ireland9 Mar 2025Full moon planting a success for historic gardenGardeners at Avebury Manor in Wiltshire noticed planting during the full moon improved germination.9 Mar 2025Wiltshire8 Mar 2025Campaigners dress up as veg for half marathonThe group is raising money for Cultivating Change, which supports mental health through gardening.8 Mar 2025Cambridgeshire7 Mar 2025Cornwall bursts into spring coloursThe recent sunny weather has led to an explosion of spring flowers across Cornwall.7 Mar 2025Cornwall2 Mar 2025Mum starts 'young growers club' after son's deathAs well as sharing her tips on social media, she has started hands on sessions. 2 Mar 2025Beds, Herts & Bucks...