Knife crime1 day agoEvent teaches young people to save stab victimsSouth Central Ambulance Service teaches young people in Slough to treat stab wounds.1 day agoBerkshire2 days agoNew knife laws will make difference, says victim's sisterRetailers must report suspicious purchases and there will be tougher sentences for selling to under-18s.2 days agoUK2 days agoKnife crime first aid session held for young peopleThe South Central Ambulance Service event in Langley is part of its campaign to combat knife crime.2 days agoBerkshire4 days agoDeputy head raised behaviour issues before stabbingA deputy head teacher wrote to the Welsh government expressing concerns about behaviour at the school.4 days agoWales5 days agoFundraising walk for stab victim charityFriends of 18-year-old Connor Brown complete a walk from Sunderland to South Shields.5 days agoEngland13 Feb 2025University develops AI tool to tackle knife crimeThe Knife Hunter system has been trained on a data set of more than 25,000 images, say researchers.13 Feb 2025Surrey12 Feb 2025Stab victim's parents call for school knife archesTeenage stab victim's family will work with Sheffield City Council to improve safety.12 Feb 2025South Yorkshire12 Feb 2025Murdered boy's mum says knife crime getting worsePooja Kanda say it is hard to remain positive when knife violence continues to rise among children.12 Feb 2025Wolverhampton7 Feb 2025Knife crime campaign launched by ambulance serviceThe campaign aims to highlight the impact of knife crime and teach the public emergency first aid.7 Feb 2025England