Invasive species5 Mar 2025No new sightings in hunt for invasive squirrelThe States of Guernsey asks residents not to feed the animal as it could delay efforts to catch it.5 Mar 2025Guernsey4 Mar 2025Invasive squirrel will 'have to stay in enclosure'A non-native grey squirrel on the loose in Guernsey "appears to be healthy", rescuers say.4 Mar 2025UK11 Jan 2025Big cat sightings could be leopards, claims expertRick Minter, of Big Cat Conversations, thinks the UK has a well-established population of leopards.11 Jan 2025Wiltshire6 Jan 2025Asian hornet nests dissected to monitor speciesExamining captured nests informs the strategy used to manage the non-native hornets.6 Jan 2025Guernsey28 Dec 20241,329 tiny snails released on remote islandConservationists released the critically endangered snails to help restore a remote island habitat.28 Dec 2024Science & Environment18 Dec 2024'Murder hornets' eradicated in the US, officials sayThe infamous hornets, which were first discovered in the US in 2019, have not been seen in three years.18 Dec 202428 Oct 2024Volunteers find 24 Asian hornet nests in one weekVolunteers find more nests in Jersey in one week than were found in the UK in a year, experts say.28 Oct 2024Jersey21 Oct 2024Woody the dog switches detection skills to save puffinsWoody the dog switches his detection skills from ferrets to rats in a bid to save Rathlin's birds. 21 Oct 2024Northern Ireland7 Oct 2024Hunt in Kent for invasive bug which damages treesThe plane lace bug poses a risk to trees in Kent's towns and cities.7 Oct 2024Kent...