Melrose11 Feb 2025Inquiry told teenager's death was unpreventableHarris Macdonnell, 19, took his own life after being sent to an adult psychiatric unit in the Borders.11 Feb 2025South Scotland4 Feb 2025Young people 'still at risk' in Borders, inquiry toldThe mother of a teenager who took his own life warns of a lack of services in the region.4 Feb 2025South Scotland3 Feb 2025Inquiry into death of autistic teenager beginsHarris Macdonell took his own life after being treated in an adult psychiatric ward.3 Feb 2025South Scotland31 Oct 2024'Cheerleader for the church' to be next moderatorRev Rosemary Frew, minister of Bowden and Melrose Parish Church, will succeed Rt Rev Dr Shaw Paterson.31 Oct 2024South Scotland16 Oct 2024Rare reconstructed Roman armour goes on displayIt was put together from more than 100 pieces found near the site of a Roman fort in the Borders.16 Oct 2024Scotland16 Sep 2024Body found in search for missing teenagerPolice said the family of Kamile Gimbutyte, also known as Rhian, had been informed.16 Sep 2024South Scotland3 Sep 2024Tour of Britain begins with battle in Scottish BordersCrowds turn out to see some of the world's top riders on a route starting and finishing in Kelso.3 Sep 2024Scotland31 Aug 2024World's cycling stars are heading to the Scottish BordersSome of the sport's biggest names are expected on the start line for the Tour of Britain in Kelso.31 Aug 2024South Scotland21 Aug 2024Drones fly NHS lab specimens in Scottish firstThe delivery flew about 30 miles between Edinburgh and Melrose to test out the technology.21 Aug 2024Scotland...