I will always carry a legacy from my traumatic birth - Alnwick mum Gill Castle

Former police officer Gill Castle opened up about her traumatic experience of giving birth to her son in October 2011.

Gill said she also suffered a miscarriage and wasn't able to have other children. "My son repeatedly asked for a sibling and I can't explain how difficult that is to say that it's something that I cannot provide," she told BBC Breakfast.

She added she recovered, but was never able to have "a magical first year" with her baby.

Gill suffered a fourth degree tear that resulted in irreparable damage and a stoma, a hole in her abdomen through which her bowel had been diverted to a bag to catch the waste.

An inquiry into traumatic childbirths has called for an overhaul of the UK's maternity and postnatal care after hearing "harrowing" stories from parents.

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