Give public say on council tax hikes, say Tories

Elliw Gwawr
Political correspondent, BBC Wales News
Getty Images A council tax bill with three Monopoly style houses on top of it, one yellow, one green and the other, a larger one, red  Getty Images

Wales' first minister has dismissed a Conservative call for the public to have a direct say on council tax increases.

In First Ministers Questions, Tory Senedd leader Darren Millar asked for local referendums if "excessive increases are proposed" by local authorities, arguing people in Wales are seeing big bill increases whilst their services are cut.

But Eluned Morgan said people in Wales "get a lot more lot more in certain areas than you do in England".

In Wales, local authorities are increasing 2025-26 bills by between 5% and 9.2%. In England council tax rises above 4.99% require approval in a local referendum, unless government authorisation is given.

Challenging the first minister, Millar said "many taxpayers are galled" by the "big increases in their bills while they see local services cut, facilities such as libraries, public toilets, leisure facilities and community centres are being closed".

"People in Wales now pay more as a percentage of their income in council tax than over the border in England, in spite of the fact that they have lower incomes here in Wales."

He asked why the Welsh government was denying Welsh council tax payers a say in a referendum.

In England "when excessive increases are proposed" councils have to "put it to a vote in a local referendum", he said.

"Why is it that you are denying that opportunity to council taxpayers here in Wales?"

'No cap on care'

The first minister insisted that Welsh council tax payers get more for their money, using a cap on care costs as an example.

In Wales, no-one who is eligible for care at home is expected to pay more than £100 a week towards the costs.

"There is no cap on care in England. People are pushed into paying thousands of pounds a week," said Morgan.

"That doesn't happen here in Wales, but there is a cost to it, and it is important people recognize that there is a relationship between taxation and what you get in terms of public services."

She dismissed the idea of a referendum saying that people already had their say during elections.

Referencing the English local elections in May, Morgan said "you're going to get an election, and we are looking forward to seeing how well you do in those elections".

"The system in England has been absolutely hollowed out after 14 years of austerity, and you will be getting your comeuppance in the elections very, very soon."

Individual councils set council tax rates, but the Welsh government can cap council rises that are deemed "excessive", although this has never happened.

Council taxes provides around 27% of local authorities' funding, which pays for services such as social care, education, waste collection and leisure centres.

Typically, anyone who is over 18 and owns or rents a home has to pay council tax.

However, there are some exemptions and discounts.

The average band D council tax in Wales for 2025-26 is £2,170.